
Hoozuki (hozuki)

Hozuki originates from the fact that it looks like a lantern.

It is said that the red part acts as a lantern to guide the ancestors.


So that our ancestors who come back for Obon can find their way to their homes without getting lost.

The landmarks are the welcome fire and the light of the Bon lanterns.


The fruit of Hoozuki is known for its shape and color.

They have been famous as Obon decorations since ancient times, as they resemble Obon lanterns.


For decoration, use the stem to hang the fruit horizontally.

Hanging fruits at equal intervals on a rope, etc.

Apparently there is a way to decorate them to look like lanterns.



Today is Okuribi.

It looks like Kyoto's Gozan Okuribi will be held safely.


Relax for your ancestors,

I hope you can get home safely.



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