Tea has an image of dried foods such as seaweed and bonito flakes, so it is easy to think that the quality does not change or deteriorate easily, but in fact, it is very delicate and the quality changes rapidly. Here are some tips on how to store and enjoy tea properly.
Tea is affected by "oxygen, humidity, temperature (high temperature), light, and aroma (transferred incense)", and its flavor may deteriorate and its color may change.

Factors that damage tea

oxygen When tea leaves are exposed to air, they oxidize and lose their flavor. In addition, light blue will also become darker, and the vivid colors will be lost.
humidity When the tea leaves come into contact with air, they become damp, which accelerates the deterioration of the taste and aroma.
temperature Because the tea leaves are oxidized under high temperature, the color and luster and light blue browning progress and deteriorate.
light Tea is sensitive to light. Exposing tea leaves to light can cause quality deterioration.

to save successfully

As a guideline, purchase as little as possible and use up within 2 weeks in summer and 1 month in winter after opening. After opening, seal with a can or ziplock and store in a cool, dark place.
*Avoid storing in the refrigerator or freezer after opening, as it will easily absorb moisture and odors.

Store unopened in the refrigerator or freezer. However, if you open the tea in a cold state, condensation will occur on the surface due to the temperature difference, and it will absorb it, so be sure to return it to room temperature before opening it. Also, even if it is unopened, it will deteriorate if it is repeatedly stored at room temperature and refrigerated/frozen.

tea expiration date

The expiration date of all products is limited to unopened products. The expiration date is a guideline for how long you can enjoy it deliciously, so it does not mean that it will spoil or become undrinkable immediately after it passes, but the flavor and appearance may deteriorate, so we recommend eating within the expiration date as much as possible. . Summer and rainy seasons are particularly prone to deterioration, so even if the product is unopened, depending on the storage conditions, the quality may deteriorate even before the expiration date. After opening, please use up within 2 weeks in summer and within 1 month in winter.

when the tea is old

You can make homemade hojicha by slowly roasting it in a frying pan. Cook over a very low heat while stirring to avoid burning. It's complete when it turns brown overall. There will be smoke, so be sure to ventilate.

Use of Used Tea Leaves

An effective way to use used tea leaves is to sprinkle dried used tea leaves on tatami mats and sweep them with a soft-tipped broom. Used tea leaves absorb the fine dust and dust of tatami mats, and can be expected to have a deodorizing effect on tea.

In addition, the catechins in tea have a deodorizing effect, and are useful for deodorizing shoe boxes and entrances.