
What kind of tea goes well with Sakuramochi?

Hello everyone.

I'm Midopa, an online staff member.


Sakuramochi is something we all enjoy in spring.

Did you know it varies by region?


Domyoji-mochi and Chomei-ji-mochi


Sakuramochi, which is mainly eaten in the Kansai region, is made using Domyoji flour.

A chewy, granular sakura mochi.


Meanwhile, in the Kanto region, Chomeiji-mochi is a crepe-like treat filled with sweet bean paste.

This sakura mochi, which is rare in the Kansai region, is called Kanto-style sakura mochi.


The texture and eating impression of these sweets are completely different.

Both have a wonderful cherry blossom scent, just the right amount of saltiness, and the gentle sweetness of the bean paste.


This time, I, Midopa, have tested what kind of tea goes well with sakura mochi, based on my own arbitrary and biased opinion.



Sip the hot sencha and take a bite of sakura mochi. The aroma stands out, and the bitterness of the tea quickly cuts down on the sweetness, creating an exquisite balance.

⑵ Roasted green tea

Hojicha is a versatile drink that can be paired with both sweet and savory dishes. It seems to go perfectly with sweet bean paste.

⑶ Gyokuro

The mellow, umami-rich Gyokuro and the salty Sakuramochi leaves are a mysterious match... I felt the tea's flavor spread in my mouth, wondering if it was umami or saltiness.


Midopa chose ⑴ Sencha 🍵

It's fine to pair it with other teas, but sencha is the best match for its bitterness, which matches the aroma and sweetness of sakura mochi.


The tea that goes with it is Seifu.

It has an elegant aroma and a subtle sweetness of tea. Its sharp astringency makes it the perfect match for Japanese sweets.

Please come and enjoy a cup of tea and sakura mochi☺️🍵


Click here for Sencha Seifu

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